Sandhya Venu
M-Tech student CSE, Department Of Computer Science, Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology
Manju M Menon
Assistant Professor in IT, Department Of Information Technology Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology
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Nowadays the applications on spatial databases are tremendously increasing. The location based
searches from spatial databases are widely used for both research and commercial purposes. The inputs
of a spatial keyword query are a user defined location and number of keywords. The output is the object
which satisfies both the location and keyword requirements. The most important part of a spatial
keyword query is the geo-textual index. Extended researches are being carried out in field of geo-textual
indices. This thesis proposes a parallel R-Tree construction method for geo textual indexing. Using this
method we can reduce the construction time compared to the existing methods. We propose a new
hybrid indexing mechanism namely Kd-B tree which has the combined advantage of kd tree and bitmap
indexing. This reduces the time and space consumption remarkably. Based on the experiments
conducted we can see that the time and space is considerably saved by constructing Kd-B tree.
Spatial keyword query, Geo-textual indices, Spatial- inverted index.
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