A mobile Ad-hoc network (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) is a self-created self-organized and self administering set of nodes connected via wireless links without the aid of any fixed infrastructure or
centralized administrator. Security has become important to mobile ad hoc networks (Mobile Ad-Hoc
Network). Due to its unique features such as limited power and limited bandwidth, open nature, lack of
infrastructure and central management, node mobility and change of dynamic topology. It is mainly use
for many intelligent missions and life-critical applications. However, the broadcast nature of inter-node
communications and node mobility in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network make it very challenging to secure.
Moreover, their constantly changing topology causes network node density and neighbor relationships to
change dynamically. The prevention methods like authentication and cryptography techniques alone are
not able to provide the security to these types of networks. Therefore, efficient intrusion detection must be
deployed to facilitate the identification and isolation of attacks. The Intrusion Detection Systems utilizes
are: (i) both anomaly and misuse detection schemes to identify attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network and
(ii) mobile agents (MAs) to augment each node’s intrusion-detection capability. In particular, each node is
equipped with local IDS, and MAs will be dispatched periodically or on- demand to augment each node’s
IDS. We present the design of these IDS and the overall network structure, as well as the methods for
authenticating and dispatching MAs. This paper presents an intrusion detection system (IDS) for Mobile
Ad-Hoc Network
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