
An Introduction To Machine Learning Technologies And How E-Learning Uses Them

Likhita Akkina

Arizona State University, Arizona


Vol: 14, Issue: 1, 2024

Receiving Date: 2023-12-09 Acceptance Date:


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We generate a staggering amount of data because of modern technologies, the internet, and connected objects. It is crucial to arrange and contextualize this data so that they can be seen, comprehended, and reflected. Humans have traditionally analyzed data. But as data volumes rise, people are turning more and more to automated systems that can mimic them. Machine learning refers to those systems that can learn from data as well as changes in data to solve problems. Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELE) can be improved by implementing machine learning-based techniques, and artificial intelligence has a significant influence on e-learning research. An overview of current discoveries in this field of study is presented in this paper. Firstly, we outline the main ideas behind machine learning. Next, we showcase a few new projects that use machine learning in an online learning environment.


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