
Design and Analysis of Modular Gridded Base Platform for the Static Structural Testing of Aerospace Structures

Fathima N

PG student, Civil Engineering Department, NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad – 8, Kerala

Shdhir S Nair

Scientist/ Engineer-G, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, 695022, Kerala

Junaidh M I

Scientist/ Engineer , Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, 695022, Kerala

Vinayak P Varma

Scientist/ Engineer , Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, 695022, Kerala

Rakhil Krishnan R

Scientist/ Engineer, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, 695022, Kerala

Deepthy S Nair

Professor, N S S College of Engineering, Akathethara, Palakkad, 678008, Kerala, India


Vol: 13, Issue: 3, 2023

Receiving Date: 2023-06-09 Acceptance Date:


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To qualify the design of aerospace structures, which are designed with minimum margin, it is necessary to subject them to static structural tests to reveal the real state of stress on flight structures under critical flight load conditions. This process build up confidence in the design methodology adopted and to validate the mathematical model used for simulations. In any space mission, safety holds utmost priority. Structural qualification tests are necessary to verify structural adequacy and to qualify the design. The primary objective of a structural qualification test is to assess the exact real performance of a structure and to validate its design. Static structural testing is a common method for verifying or ensuring that the realised structure has enough strength to withstand the loads for which it is designed. This study focus on the configuration and design of base platform. The base platform is intended to provide anchoring to the entire test rig assembly or to act as a foundation for distributing the moment and force reactions acting upon it. At present anchoring plates which are embedded in concrete strong floor is provided for mounting the test rigs. This set up requires reinforcement of the floor to certain depth and attracts major civil works. The proposed platform, which is a reinforced platform with gridded construction, is a replacement for the present set-up. Here we adopt the concept of modularity in configuration of the base platform. Hence the base platform is claimed as a modular gridded base platform with all the inherent features of modularity such as scalability, interchangeability and reconfigurability. In addition to the generation of a realisable configuration, this study expanse with the design of structural element and verification by Finite Element Method using Abaqus.

Keywords: Aerospace structures; Modular gridded base platform; Static structural test; Structural qualification test


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