
Enhanced Cloud Car Parking System using ML and Advance Neural Network

Dr Priyanka Kaushik

Professor, Computer Science Engineering Dept, AIT CSE (AIML) Chandigarh University Punjab


Vol: 13, Issue: 1, 2023

Receiving Date: 2023-02-08 Acceptance Date:


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It is a challenging challenge for the users to find a parking spot to park their vehicles because of the rapid increase in vehicle density, particularly during the busiest times of the day. Moreover, a smartphone application is available that enables users to check parking space availability and reserve a spot accordingly. By lowering fuel use and pollution in cities, smart parking can boost the economy. Using parking resources more effectively is referred to as parking management. Finding the root of the issue is the first step in effective parking management. In light of the rising number of vehicles on the road, finding adequate parking is one of the sectors with the quickest growth rates. Traffic has typically been a nightmare. intelligent parking solutions from major hardware vendors to address these problems. On the other side, these are unsuited for their intended use and have led to significant parking problems at numerous businesses. The strategy makes an effort to provide a workable solution to the smart parking issue.

Keywords: open cv; SVM; Parking Management; Architecture; CNN model


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