A Review for Data Fragmentation in Cloud Computing
Qays Jabbar Abed
Ph. D. Student, High Institute of Technology, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Dr. Rami Tawil
Associate Professor, Faculty of Science Lebanese University, Lebanon
Vol: 12, Issue: 3, 2022
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The importance of network security is demonstrated by preserving data from being stolen or tampered with by attackers. The computerized cloud supports the protection of both large and small data as well as authorized remote access. Although its protection is secured in the cloud, it needs to use additional methods to enhance data protection from attackers. In this paper, we present the various methods that researchers used to protect data through the computerized cloud, as the diversity in the use of methods led to obtaining good results, albeit to varying degrees. Which relieved data fragmentation using multiple technologies and storing it in the cloud, and some used data encryption methods. The aim of this research is to present different types of methods used in the field of data protection across the network via the cloud, which provides an opportunity for researchers to present research that addresses the gaps in order to obtain better results.
data fragmentation; cloud computing; network security
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