
Concept, Challenges and Research Issue in Big Data Analysis

Trisha Sharma

Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh.


Vol: 11, Issue: 3, 2021

Receiving Date: 2021-07-24 Acceptance Date:


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Taking care of the high aspect informational index plays a huge testing task for each association and establishment. Extensive information is a considerable measure of information in organized, unstructured, and semi-organized designs. This colossal measure of information is produced through different sources like Sensors, Surveillance Systems, social media, Networking, etc. We know that our day-to-day existence is chipping away at machines or gadgets like perusing papers through portable, internet shopping, etc. This paper has given the idea of enormous information, aspect decrease methods, security in colossal information, challenges in critical information, and huge information investigation instruments. It is an extremely provoking undertaking to defeat the issue of massive information like aspect decrease and its security

Keywords: big data; HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System); HBase


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