Analytical Study of Toxic Elements Causing Water Pollution of River Krishna in Sangli District
M V Patil
Department of Chemistry, Miraj Mahavidyalaya, Miraj, India,
A C Tawate
Department of Chemistry, Miraj Mahavidyalaya, Miraj, India
S R Bamane
Sushila Shankarrao Gadave Mahavidyalaya, Khandala, Satara, India
Vol: 12, Issue: 2, 2022
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Water is most essential commodity for the existence of any life. The use of water by plants, animals and man is universal. Every living organism require water for its survivor. This is an essential requirement for life, health and sanitation. But today pure water become more and more contaminated man himself is the greatest pollutants of his evolvements so it is essential to study water pollution and its analysis.
Water pollution; suspended matter; organic, inorganic and Biological Pollutants; DO; COD; BOD
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