
., Leveraging Machine Learning Tools and Techniques in the Detection of Parody on Twitter and Other Social Networking Sites

Saatvik Wadhwa



Vol: 9, Issue: 4, 2019

Receiving Date: 2019-09-09 Acceptance Date:


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Parody is an inconspicuous type of contradiction, which can be broadly utilized informal communities like Twitter. It is normally used to send stowed away data, a message sent by individuals. Because of alternate purposes, I can utilize sarcasm like analysis and criticism. In any case, even this is hard for an individual to perceive. The snide redesign framework is extremely useful for improving programmed feeling investigation gathered from various interpersonal organizations and microblogging locales. Feeling examination alludes to web clients of a specific local area, communicated perspectives and assessments of ID and conglomeration. To distinguishing mockery, we propose an example-based methodology utilizing Twitter information. We present four arrangements of elements that incorporate a ton of explicit mockery. We use them to group tweets as mocking and non-snide. We likewise concentrate on every one of the proposed include sets and assess its extra expense

Keywords: parody; social networking sites; machine learning


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