
Recommendation of a Webpage by using Web Mining Technique

Keshav Agarwal

Jayshree Periwal International School, Jaipur, Rajasthan


Vol: 11, Issue: 2, 2021

Receiving Date: 2021-05-12 Acceptance Date:


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In today's world of the Internet, different varieties of content are created in enormous amounts, so to give pertinent outcomes to clients, web suggestions become a significant piece of web applications. Various web proposals are made accessible to clients consistently, including pictures, recordings, Audio, question ideas, and site pages. In our research, we are targeting giving a system to website page proposals. 1) describing the fundamental technique of web mining 2) Web mining technique explanation.3) We propose the engineering for the customized website page suggestion.

Keywords: web mining; web access succession (WAS); data mining


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