
Employability of Neural Network Tools and Techniques for Enhancing Image Caption Generation

Harshit Dua

Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India


Vol: 10, Issue: 4, 2020

Receiving Date: 2020-09-04 Acceptance Date:


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Nowadays, there is massive research in generating automatic image caption; this technique is very challenging and uses Natural language processing. For instance, it could assist incapacitated people with improving the matter of images on the web. Likewise, it could give more precise and minimized images/recordings in situations, such as picture sharing in interpersonal organization or video surveillance system. The structure comprises a convolutional neural organization (CNN) traced by a repetitive neural organization (RNN). The strategy can produce picture sayings that are generally semantically unmistakable and linguistically right by taking in information from picture and subtitle matches. Individuals, for the most part, depict a scene utilizing characteristic languages which are concise and reduced. However, computer vision frameworks define the set by taking a picture which is a two-measurement presentation. The plan is to picture and engrave similar places and projects from the image to the sentences.

Keywords: Computer Vision; Image Captions; Neural Nets; Mappings


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