
Teacher Perceptions of Critical Thinking among Students and Its Influence on Higher Education

Ammar Hussein Yasir

University of Baghdad, Iraq

Dr Bushra Saadoon Mohammed Alnoori

University of Baghdad, Iraq


Vol: 10, Issue: 4, 2020

Receiving Date: 2020-09-10 Acceptance Date:


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A few decades ago, taxonomies included the concept of critical thinking. Critical thinking is a difficult process that necessitates advanced cognitive abilities in information processing. Teachers' judgments of students' critical thinking have an impact on their classroom behavior. Teachers believe they are teaching critical thinking to their pupils and that critical thinking will give the intellectual stimulation that will allow critical thinking, according to research. The ability of students to articulate ideas and concepts in their own terms was seen as proof of critical thinking. The capacity to analyze logically and solve problems through novel techniques, on the other hand, is a valuable asset. The process through which a student gains understanding of the content delivered is not an indication of the student's higher-level cognitive ability. Teachers did not appear to comprehend the needs for instilling critical thinking in children. Teachers may believe they are encouraging critical thinking in the classroom, but they are really focusing on subject matter comprehension. Hot Swiss perfect fake watches for Canada are available on this web.
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Keywords: critical thinking; higher education; education


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