Smart Farming Management System Using IOT
Garigipati Vijay Kumar
Asst Professor, Dept of ECE, Tenali, India
Pallikonda Jashuva
Dept of ECE, Vijaywada, India
Vol: 11, Issue: 1, 2021
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Smart agriculture farming system is a new idea of farming in agriculture, because which uses IoT technology to monitor the crop 24/7 and sends the information to the cloud. This emerging system increases the quality and quantity of agricultural products. IoT technology provides the information about farming fields and then takes action depending on the farmer input. In this paper, we can design an IoT based advanced solution for monitoring the soil conditions and atmosphere for efficient crop growth is presented. The developed system is capable of monitoring temperature, humidity, soil moisture type using NodeMCU and different sensors connected to the microcontroller. Also, a notification is shown in farmer’s phone using Wi-Fi about environmental condition and water levels of the crop field
NodeMCU; Remote accessing; Internet of Things
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