Analysis of the Effectiveness of Brand Communication of Project Mom and Baby Universe at the Store Raja Susu in Creating Brand Awareness, Shopper Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention on Danone Specialized Nutrition Product Consumers
Fery Ade Putra
Master of Management, Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr. Baruna Hadibrata
Master of Management, Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Vol: 10, Issue: 3, 2020
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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Brand Communication (Project Mom and Baby Universe) on brand awareness, shopper satisfaction and repurchase intention of Danone Specialized Nutrition products at Raja Susu Store. Done by distributing questionnaires to 100-150 respondents who have or are buying Danone Specialist Nutrition products at the Raja Susu Store. Quantitative analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method, the path analysis model is used for technical analysis.
Brand Communication; Brand Awareness; Shopper Satisfaction; Repurchase Intention
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