
Association of Irisin with the Oxidant-Antioxidant Parameters in Type 2 Diabetic Patients According to Age in Thi-Qar Province, Iraq

Saad H Al-Badry

Biology Department, College of Science, University of Thi-Qar, Iraq

Khalid G Al-Fartoosi

Biology Department, College of Science, University of Thi-Qar, Iraq


Vol: 10, Issue: 1, 2020

Receiving Date: 2019-12-15 Acceptance Date:


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The present study aimed to assessment of irisin level in patients with the newly onset type 2 "diabetes mellitus" (T2D.M.) and the scanning the association of irisin value with some physiological and oxidant-anti oxidant parameters. This study comprised 60 individuals diagnosed in newly onset T2DM. and 40 healthy contributors (control group). Malondialdehyde (MDA), Ceruloplasmin and serum albumin concentration was calculated in patient who involved in this study. Serum irisin levels was evaluated by ELISA kit.

Keywords: Irisin; T2DM; inflammatory parameters


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