
Adoption of CAD in Apparel Manufacturing Units: A Perception Analysis

Jomichan S Pattathil

National Institute of Fashion Technology, India

Dr. Sibichan K Mathew

National Institute of Fashion Technology, India


Vol: 9, Issue: 2, 2019

Receiving Date: 2019-01-16 Acceptance Date:


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This paper attempts to highlight the motivations and barriers towards CAD adoption among stakeholders in the Indian apparel manufacturing sector. Interactions with many leading garment manufacturers reveal that the low adoption rate of Apparel CAD can be attributed to several factors, which include lack of trained manpower to manage the improved technology, perception about the impact of CAD on manufacturing efficiency, and the like. However, there has been no research attempt till date either to determine the reasons attributed for such low adoption or to capture the perception of stakeholders regarding impact of CAD on manufacturing efficiency in Indian apparel sector. Paucity of such a research and mixed reactions by the entrepreneurs with regard to the impact of technology advancements lead to the genesis of this study.

Keywords: CAD; TAM; Apparel Manufacturing; ANOVA; Correlation


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