
Use of CAD and CAM in Apparel Manufacturing- A Multifaceted Approach

Jomichan S Pattathil

National Institute of Fashion Technology, India

Dr. Sibichan K Mathew

National Institute of Fashion Technology, India


Vol: 9, Issue: 1, 2019

Receiving Date: 2018-12-04 Acceptance Date:


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Manufacturing industries globally depend on productivity of their processes to create products that can meet the requirements of the customers in the affordable price range. Productivity means producing the maximum output using minimum inputs. The implementation of an integrated CAD/CAM manufacturing system has several benefits which include improved productivity, shorter lead times, reduced personnel requirement, easy customer modifications, improved accuracy of design, reduced costs in the manufacturing process and so on. This article aims at highlighting the use of CAD in apparel manufacturing industry with a multifaceted approach. It focuses in issues related to adoptability this technology in terms of strengths and opportunities along with the challenges faced. An attempt has been made to relate various factors, which come into play for the technology adoption with the help of technology adoption model.

Keywords: CAD; CAM; TAM; Apparel manufacturing; Technology adoption


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