
DDOS Attack Detection Using Data Mining Technique

Shreshtha Jha

B Tech Final Year, Department of Computer Science, VIT University, Vellore


Vol: 9, Issue: 1, 2019

Receiving Date: 2018-11-23 Acceptance Date:


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Cyber Crime is a computerized wrongdoing relating to something that ought to be conceivable on the web and isn't lawful. Bad behavior related to something that is done unlawfully or without endorsement. Every last one of those infringements that are done on the web to get to secured information or endorsement rights is named as ''Cyber Crime''. All around the computerized bad behavior anticipation is spread transversely finished generously. Data figuring underlines the extraction of data from databases and diverse cases can be done up for surmising connection rules. Notwithstanding the way that Data preparing is over the long haul grabbing an all the all the more encompassing degree in different districts, its examination has made awesome importance in Cyber Crimes.

Keywords: Cyber Attack; Cyber Crimes; Data mining; Data Analysis; Machine Learning; DDOS; IP based Computing; I-Security; Thread Detection


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