Challenges of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Controlling Crime in Nigeria
Ali Badema
Geography Department, Faculty of Management and Social Science, Yobe State University Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria
Vol: 8, Issue: 3, 2018
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Nigeria is experiencing a dull moment due to high level of insecurity that ravage the country. Criminal activities are believed to constitute a significance proportion to this increased insecurity situation. While, advanced strategies in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) such as crime analyses are available and can have great potential for impacting a department's efficiency in crime reduction and professionalism, today relevant officials in most crime departments in Nigeria may or may not have the necessary skill to engage in computerized crime mapping. In this paper, the aim is to explore how the technology of GIS is bring used in crime control research, identify the challenges of this technology in relation to crime control in Nigeria and finally design strategic measures to overcome obstacles.
GIS; crime analysis; crime mapping; security
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