
Authentication and Security Measures in Internet Banking: Employability of Alternate Approaches Enhance the Detection and Adopt Countermeasures to Curb Data Breaches

Gatik Gola

Student, King’s College, Taunton, UK


Vol: 8, Issue: 2, 2018

Receiving Date: 2018-03-05 Acceptance Date:


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Cloud computing is a popular theme of research in information systems. It has revolutionized the perspective of distributed computing from existing methods. This process is prone to security threats to the information and data which is currently moved from on-premises to off-premises, even though cloud computing is beneficial. Due to the openness of data, cloud computing has been experiencing security threats that must be overcome for this service to be fully utilized. One such threat is data breach, this is because data is stored in different places across the globe hence difficult for security to be monitored. Therefore, security and privacy of data are the two major concerns of users in the cloud technology. Internet banking applications have become popular within banks and almost each bank has got its own service. The login and signature security depend on the user/static password authentication method to certificates and tokens. Considering the confidentiality of this information, for instance passwords and bank accounts, banks need to identify, evaluate and solve distinct risks to security in regard to cloud computing in their management information security system. This paper sought to establish the available security measures employed in curbing data breaches, their shortcomings and suggest possible solutions. The paper employed a descriptive survey research design; a pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data from the 46 banks that use internet banking in Kenya. The study found that the banks had employees who were certified in security matters but none was certified in cloud computing security and recommended Staff Training and certification on Cloud Computing Security, cloud computing and resource management

Keywords: Curbing; Cloud computing; Cloud security; internet banking; data breaches


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