
An Analysis of File Security on Cloud Using ‘Dual Server Encryption’ and Suggestion of Keyword Search in Public Key Encrypted Files to Enhance Security

Atul Kalkhanda



Vol: 8, Issue: 1, 2018

Receiving Date: 2018-01-04 Acceptance Date:


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Cloud computing is nowadays becoming a hot topic. A number of companies are using cloud services for data storage and data security. Cloud is made up of several servers connected in a network, and are placed in different regions. This architecture is designed in such a way that authentic users can easily store, read, and write data from a remote device. Till the present day, there are few or no provisions to store files securely in the public and private cloud. In this research, it has been endeavored to focus on the different security techniques and levels. For this keyword search in public key encrypted files may be used and has been suggested..

Keywords: cloud computing; dual server encryption; enhance security



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