Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna With Superstrate for Airborne Applications Using IE3D
R Selvaraj
Director, Mayukam Technology Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Tamil Nadu.
B Suresh Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, TKEC, Mecheri.
R Jamuna Devi
Student, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, TKEC, Mecheri.
V Jayasathya
Student, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, TKEC, Mecheri.
A Sakunthala
Student, Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, TKEC, Mecheri.
Vol: 7, Issue: 1, 2017
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This paper investigate the characteristics of square shaped, probe fed, Circularly polarized patch antenna when covered with dome shaped superstrate at 1.575GHz.In order to obtain hemispherical radiation pattern for airborne applications, the conventional patch antenna is coverd by a superstrate with dielectric constant of 2.18 and thickness of 30mil. The antenna is simulated using IE3D software. The results are analyzed and discussed in terms of return loss, radiation pattern, axial ratio and beamwidth. The superstrate thickness and dielectric constant are critical parameters which governs the beamwidth of the proposed antenna.
Microstrip patch antenna; RHCP; Superstrate; hemispherical radiation pattern; Return loss; IE3D simulation
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