The Effectiveness of the Student Service Units at the Rizal Technological University: Compliance With the Requirements of Accreditation
Elena T Paragas
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City
Rodrigo D.P. Tomas
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City
Mary Beth C. Miranda
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City
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Most define accreditation as a status, which shows the public that a school has met and is maintaining a high level of standards set by an accrediting agency. It reflects the quality by which an educational institution or a program conducts its business. It speaks to a sense of public trust, as well as to professional quality. Accreditation provides assurance that the program in which a student is enrolled or is considering enrolling is engaged in continuous review and improvement of its quality that it meets nationally endorsed standards in the profession, and that it is accountable for achieving what it sets out to do. Accreditation provides a formal process for ongoing evaluation and improvement of the program and faculty development outcomes, a process by which faculty, students and administration can work together in advancing the educational institution's mission. It ensures a basic level of quality in the education one received from an institution
Rizal Technological University; accreditation; student service unit
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