
Static Vulnerability Pattern Detection in Low Level Programming Language

Mansour Al-Qattan

Software Technology Research Laboratory, De Montfort University, Leicester - UK

Feng Chen

Software Technology Research Laboratory, De Montfort University, Leicester - UK


Vol: 6, Issue: 4, 2016

Receiving Date: 2016-07-14 Acceptance Date:


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Vulnerability checking tools in the software industry mostly focus on high-level programming languages, and vulnerability detection in low-level languages, unfortunately, has been largely sidelined in the case of legacy systems. This research proposes a method for finding vulnerabilities in an assembly language through wide-spectrum language (WSL) with FermaT using the static tainted vulnerability analysis technique with the slicing transformation FermaT engine. Our method decompiles the binary executable file to assembly and translates the assembly to WSL, and then detects vulnerabilities by combining the FermaT slicing transformation with taint analysis. The results show that WSL FermaT can detect vulnerability in a binary executable file easily as FermaT contains multiple transformations that enable developers to meet their requirements.

Keywords: vulnerabilities; vulnerability detection; static analysis; program transformation; FermaT; wide-spectrum language.


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