
Mathematical Model for System Reliability of Cargo Packing Waiting Time for Transportation

Shiv Kumar Sharma

G L Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura

K M Sharma

B.S.A. College, Mathura (U.P.) India


Vol: 6, Issue: 4, 2016

Receiving Date: 2016-07-05 Acceptance Date:


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This study deals with the development of a mathematical model for predicting the system reliability of the cargo packing waiting time of for a station for an automated machining system with various spares subject to failures. Transportation system is characterized by its comparatively long headway and fixed schedules that most of the cargo packing have been well aware of it. A numerical method using Simpson's Rule was selected as a method to address the problem of multiple integration resulting from the Weibull distribution in the spares model. A recursive algorithm was developed for predicting the system reliability of the cutting tools. This study demonstrates the application of the developed system reliability with the interrupted cutting process.

Keywords: system reliability; waiting time; transportation model; queuing model


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