
Land Use/Land Cover Change Prediction Using Clue-S Model

Maria Jobi Sahana C

PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli, India

J. Jacinth Jennifer

PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli, India

S Vanmathy

PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli, India


Vol: 6, Issue: 3, 2016

Receiving Date: 2016-06-14 Acceptance Date:


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Rapid urban expansion has been experienced in cities and hence prediction of future is very useful for urban planning and management of environment of the cities that are rapidly growing. In this study Tirunelveli and Palayamkottai taluk regions are considered and their urban expansion for the past 10 years has been studied to predict the future urban expansion in the year 2025 using the CLUE-S model. Landsat satellite images of 2005 and 2015 are used for this study. After processing the imagery, land use land cover images are developed in Arc GIS and the logistic regressions using SPSS software were also conducted to evaluate the relationships between the land use and its driving factors. The output images are used for predicting the future land use land cover. An accuracy of more than 80% was obtained in every stage

Keywords: Land use land cover; Landsat imagery; CLUE-S model; driving factors; SPSS; logistic regression; Arc GIS; Prediction; Urban expansion


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