Site Selection for New Desalination Plant and Planning: An Optimal Water Distribution Network in Tuticorin Taluk
V Sahana Devi
PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli ,India
G Devi
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus Tirunelveli ,India
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The project aims to propose a suitable site for a new desalination plant in Tuticorin taluk and to prepare an Optimal pipeline route from the selected desalination site to the existing water distribution network. Data collection and database creation for the study area was made in GIS. Various thematic layers such as Land use/Land cover (LULC) map, Slope map, Drainage map, Soil map and Road network map were prepared. Also, the existing water supply network in the study area is extracted from TWAD Board data and GCP points taken along the pipeline alignment. The created input layers are reclassified, weighted and then overlayed to find the best site. A new optimal pipeline route is selected based on Multi Criteria Evaluation and Least Cost Path Analysis (LCPA).
desalination; overlay; site selection; least cost path; optimal route
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