Design and Fabrication of Photo Voltaic Refrigeration System for Mushroom Cultivation
S Daniel Selvakumar
PG student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional center, Anna University Tirunelveli Region Tirunelveli, India
R Immanual
PG student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional center, Anna University Tirunelveli Region Tirunelveli, India
S Rajakumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional center, Anna University Tirunelveli Region Tirunelveli, India
Vol: 6, Issue: 3, 2016
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In this paper the thermal comfort condition for mushroom cultivation was studied. In addition to this the design and fabrication of photo voltaic refrigeration system for mushroom cultivation was determined. Mushroom cultivation was done by so many peoples in the hot and dry climatic places. In the cold places the yield of mushroom was more compared with the cold climatic places this is due to thermal comfort condition needed for mushroom cultivation. There aremany difficulties faced by the peoples. It does not cultivatein the upstairs of houses. The solution for even yield in dry and cold climatic condition is to bring the thermal comfort condition at dry places by means of a refrigeration system. To design a refrigeration system cooling load calculation is necessary that is taken as 0.75 tons of refrigeration from the literature review. In this paper design and fabrication of photo voltaic refrigeration of mushroom cultivation was studied.
photo voltaic refrigeration system; cooling load; mushroom cultivation; prototype; Thermal comfort
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