Stability Improvement in Power System Using SSSC
Snehal S Patel
PG Student at dept. of Electrical Engineering, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat
Mohammed Irfan Siddiqui
Asst. Prof. Electrical Department, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat
Vol: 6, Issue: 3, 2016
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In this study, a very efficient approach to control the power flow though the transmission line is given. A static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) is used as controller. It controls the active and reactive power as well as damping power system oscillation in transient mode. The SSSC is equipped with a source of energy in DC link can supply or absorb the reactive power to or from the transmission line. Simulation results are obtained for the selected bus-2 in two machine power system which shows the efficiency of this compensator as one of the FACTS devices member in controlling the power flow, achieving the desired value of active and reactive powers, and damping the power oscillation.
SSSC; VSC; FACTS; reactive power compensation; PI controller
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