

Mr. S. Rajaganapathy

Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering Tiruchengode, India

Mr. M. Periyasamy

Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering Tiruchengode, India

Mr. P. K. Sriraman

Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering Tiruchengode, India

Mr. S. Vinoth Kumar

Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering Tiruchengode, India


Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016

Receiving Date: 2016-01-27 Acceptance Date:


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Conventional powder forming of metals. Ceramics and composite uses room temperature pressing approaches such as uniaxial pressing, isotropic pressing cold isostatic pressing (CIP) or elevated temperature hot isostatic pressing (HIP) methods. In this paper description of a unique dynamic pressing approach for powder materials will be presented where very high pulse pressures are applied for short duration on powders. Such a dynamic pressing offers the ability to form uniformly high density net shape parts with fine microstructures. This method can be applied to wide range of materials such as metals, ceramics, composites. A broad range of powder particle size distribution ,from coarse micron size to fine nano size powders, can be used in this process. Dynamic Magnetic Compaction process discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Composite, Dynamic Magnetic Compaction, CIP,HIP


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