M. Usha Rani
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, R.M.K.Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu
J. Martina Jenifer
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, R.M.K.Engineering College Chennai, Tamilnadu
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Black Cotton soils are highly clayey soils (Montmorillonite clay mineral). The bearing capacity of Black cotton
soil is extremely low. Due to this reason, the roads require periodic maintenance to take-up repeated
application of wheel loads and also the thickness of the pavement is more than the other grade soils. Soil
stabilization is the alteration of one or more soil properties by mechanical or chemical means to create an
improved strength of existing soil. Soil stabilization and the thickness of pavement can be controlled using
different additives. Wood Ash which is a waste material from industrial power plants can be used for soil
stabilization which solves the problem of environment pollution. In this study the behaviour of black cotton soil
is studied by using wood ash as stabilizing agent. Different quantities of wooden ash (% by weight) are added to
the BC soil. Atterberg limits, Differential free swell, Standard Proctor Compaction and CBR tests are the
experiments were conducted on these soil mixes. The results concluded that the use of wooden ash increases the
strength of soil to a great extent.
Black Cotton Soil, Wood Ash, CBR value
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