

S.John Paul Devaseelan

Department of Mechanical Engg. Regional Centre, Anna University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India

S. Raja kumar

Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engg., Regional Centre, Anna University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India


Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016

Receiving Date: 2015-12-20 Acceptance Date:


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Past few years, synthetic fibers are replaced by natural fibres for polymer composite due to their several benefits. Sisal and betel nut fibre is one of the largely used materials in the field of automobile field(brake pad body panels,), aerospace, insulating materials rope, brush, mat, string, cable, welding helmet, chair, table, roof etc. because of its environmental helpful, low cost and high specific mechanical performance. The sisal and betel nut fibre, its low density, lower flexural strength to betel nut and other material. The properties of sisal and betel nut could be improved according to the application-oriented areas. The ash and glass material used in the fabrication process should possess the properties of thermal stability, light weight, excellent bonding. There are so many work deals with the thermal stability, mechanical properties of the randomly oriented sisal and betel nut fibre reinforced polyester and epoxy resin composite. The composites were arranged by compression moulding method with short length fibre or long length fibre but different weight percent of sisal and betel nut fibre content. The Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the material failure morphology, The sodium hydroxide treatment effect of fibres was verified by FTIR analysis & study of the free radical structure is necessary using Electron spin resonance (ESR) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

Keywords: Sisal; betel nut fibre; polyester and epoxy resin; thermal stability; mechanical properties;


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