

Ms. C. Jeevitha,

II year ME (CSE), Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engg College, Gobi

Dr. T. Senthil Prakash

Professor & HOD, Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engg College, Gobi

Ms.C.Janani C. Janani

II year ME (CSE), Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engg College, Gobi


Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016

Receiving Date: 2015-12-31 Acceptance Date:


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Data integrity maintenance is the major objective in cloud storage. It includes audition using TPA for unauthorized access. This work implements protecting the data and regeneration of data if someone mishandles it. This job will be assigned to a Proxy server. The data of the users will be stored in public and private area of the cloud. So that only public cloud data will be accessed by user and private cloud will remain more secured. Once any unauthorized modification is made, the original data in the private cloud will be retrieved by the Proxy server and will be returned to the user. Every data stored in the cloud will be generated with a Hash value using Merkle Hash Tree technique. So modification in content will make changes in the Hash value of the document as well. Proxy also perform signature delegation work by generating private and public key for every user using OEAP Algorithm so that the security will be maintained. In our proposed we implement this scenario in a multi owner environment in which one document will be access by user groups. In this context, the access limit should be properly maintained so that no user for other group should be allowed to modify a particular group's data. Also, if any modifications made in that data, it will be informed to the user as well by the proxy.

Keywords: Maintenance ; Algorithm ;Merkle Hash Tree technique


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