

R. Immanual

PG student: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional centre, Anna university Tirunelveli Region,Tirunelveli, India

Dr. S. Rajakumar

Assistant Professor: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional centre, Anna university Tirunelveli Region,Tirunelveli, India


Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016

Receiving Date: 2015-12-05 Acceptance Date:


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In this paper the cross flow cooling tower in DCW Limited was studied. The performance factors of the cooling tower analyzed by experimental data’s and the thermodynamic analysis of it by using the first law of thermodynamics is carried out. Mathematical model based on heat and mass transfer principle is solved using stepwise integration method. The mathematical model is used to find the outlet condition of water and air, which will be further used in Energy analysis. Simulation on the tower is carried out to investigate its performance on variable conditions which not possible in experimental analysis in the plant. The model is validated with experimental results and error is within 3.6%. From this paper one can easily understand how to analyse the performance of cross flow cooling tower in industries using data recorded and by mathematical model.

Keywords: cross flow cooling tower; stepwise integration method; mathematical model; Energy analysis; experimental analysis.


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