P. Premalatha
PG student: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional centre, Anna university Tirunelveli Region Tirunelveli, India
Dr. S. Rajakumar
Assistant Professor: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regional centre, Anna university Tirunelveli Region Tirunelveli, India
Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016
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In this paper computational studies are carried out to obtain the aerodynamic characteristics on
with and without winglet added with small wind turbine rotor blades. To develop a small
horizontal axis wind turbine rotor blade with and without winglet. Usages of small wind turbines
are limited due to their limitations in self starting, low wind speed conditions and efficiency. The
winglets added with small wind turbines, is to reduce the self-starting requirement and to
improve the power coefficient of wind turbine system. CREO software is used to design a small
wind turbine blade with and without winglet. By using CFD software for Analysing of wind
turbine blade with winglet.
Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine(HAWT),Winglet, Wind Turbine Rotor Blade
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