

Dr. M.B. Potdar

Project Director, Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics, BISAG, Gandhinagar, India

Nehal Patel

Student, Electrical Engineering Department (Embedded Systems), Faculty of Technology and Engineering, M.S.U. Vadodara, India


Vol: 6, Issue: 1, 2016

Receiving Date: 2015-11-10 Acceptance Date:


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The main aim of this study paper is to research the answer to two main questions in water flow modeling in canal catchment; (I) how to develop the fuzzy membership functions and rule base to obtain the results, and (II) how to satisfy the demand with minimum losses. The first question is answered in order to develop a decision making model and reduced the error by performance. The second question is answered in order to reduce the canal operation loss i.e. escape loss. The simple membership function and fuzzy rule generation technique (SMRGT) is to develop this model. Fuzzy model is basically operates on “If….Then” kind of statement so it is intuitive and has transparency. This model consists of upstream flow control i.e. inflow in order to satisfy the demand up to its peak level. The obtain results through this model is the new inflow regarding the actual demand so it is compared with the actual inflow for error check and losses are compared with the field data for reliability.

Keywords: SMRGT, water flow management, irrigation canals, decision making, fuzzy logic, membership function, rule base, inflow, demand, escape loss.


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