

L.N.C. Perera

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka

G.M.T.K.D.S Suriyawansa

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka

R.S Somarathne

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka

P. B Ratnayaka

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka

D. I De Silva

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka


Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-10-01 Acceptance Date:


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The Vision Guard is an idea to help people detect most of their vision impairments accurately without consulting a doctor. With the busy day to life style, now a day’s most of the people do not get much time to focus on their health issues specially issues related to the five senses. It has been found out that about 180 million people of the world population is suffering from vision problems. Inability to detect the vision problems at an early stage has been the main reason for such large number of population to suffer from vision impairments. This paper proposes a mobile application which allows people to identify their vision related issues absolutely free with a minimal amount of effort and time. In addition to detecting vision problems, the application also provides a good knowledge about vision problems, causes and cures, and eye exercises to overcome vision problems and to maintain a healthy vision. Vision Guard is available in one of the most commonly used global languages: English. The proposed application has been tested and recommended by ophthalmologists. At present it has been tested with 30 odd eye patients and has been able to detect the vision problems up to an impressive level with a higher accuracy.

Keywords: vision; mobile; vision testing; android application


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