

Lawal, A.S

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria

Ibrahim Abdulhakeem

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria

Rapheal Nenlat

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria


Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-09-29 Acceptance Date:


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Examination malpractices contravene the rules and regulations set by examination bodies. This paper examines variable factors on examination malpractice among Polytechnic undergraduates. Primary data were collected through validated instrument of questionnaire administration. Stratified random sampling was used for sample selection to elicit information from 285 respondents who were undergraduates from six faculties in Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi. Logistic regression was used for data analysis. The result revealed that individual gender, hours of study and stream of study are though not significant on involvement of undergraduate in examination malpractices, undergraduate that studies for more hours are not likely to be involved in examination malpractices. On the other hand, there is significant and positive relationship between cumulative grade point and involvement in examination malpractices. There is also a significant and positive relationship between perception on examination malpractices and involvement in examination malpractices. The paper suggests that undergraduate should be enlightened on need to devote more hours to studies and have self belief in success without involvement in examination malpractices.

Keywords: Logistic Regression, examination, malpractices, Odds Ratio


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