

S. Palanisamy

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CARE Group of Institutions, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India

R. Naveen kumar

Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CARE Group of Institutions, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.


Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-09-19 Acceptance Date:


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This paper reports experimental investigation of heat transfer carried out in a modified heat exchanger device using nanofluids. Experimental setup of wavy type minichannel made without any leakage and placed in glass wool wooden box to avoid heat transfer to atmosphere . The minichannel experimental set up is made to calculate heat transfer analysis and pressure drop by using nanofluids. Alumina(Al2O3) is the nanofuid used in this experminent, as the sonication time is higher, low cost and easy to prepare when compared to other nanofluids The volume concentration of alumina(Al2O3) used in this project are 0.5% and 0.8%. The design of the experimental setup has been made in such a way that to create hydro dynamically developing and thermally developing flow to increase heat transfer rate. The results obtained indicates that the Nusselt number, Heat transfer coefficient and Heat transfer rate were increased with increase of Reynolds number for both the DI water and Nanofluid. The average increase of Nusselt number for 0.5% concentration of Alumina is 10% and for 0.8% concentration of Alumina is 15%, the average increase of heat transfer coefficient for 0.5% concentration of Alumina is 8% and for 0.8% concentration of Alumina is 20%, the average increase of heat transfer rate for 0.5% concentration of Alumina is 6% and for 0.8% concentration of Alumina is 12%.

Keywords: Minichannels, Nanofluid, De-ionized water, Heat transfer, Friction factor


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