

Neeraj Dhiman

Deptt. Of ECE, JMIT, Radaur

Er. Vikas Gupta

Asstt. Prof., Deptt. Of ECE, JMIT, Radaur.


Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-09-11 Acceptance Date:


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The study in preceding years shows that the clustering techniques have enhanced the use of WSNs in diversified fields. This makes it useful in many areas where other networking infrastructures are impossible to implement. Flat and hierarchical routings are two kinds of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) those are commonly used. In this paper, various clustering protocols with their advantages and disadvantages have been studied. Taxonomy of clustering in WSN is also studied. Relatively, extension using fuzzy with some prominent schemes has also been proposed.

Keywords: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), Clustering, Cluster head (CH), Base Station (BS).


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