

Dolly Kamboj

Department of ECE, GRIMT, Radaur, (YNR) Kurukshetra University, Haryana

Parveen Kumar

A.P, Department of ECE, GRIMT, Radaur, (YNR) Kurukshetra University, Haryana

Sumit Choudhary

A.P Department of Electronics Sciences Kurukshetra University, Haryana


Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-08-25 Acceptance Date:


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FinFET devices used to replace conventional MOSFET with decrease in threshold voltage hence reduced the power consumption. SOI technology used for the devices i.e. FinFET. We provide a comparison of 32nm FinFET with conventional MOSFET. 32nm FinFET based on SOI gives better output results i.e. reduced threshold voltage, controlling leakage, minimize short channel effect over 32nm conventional MOSFET. To overcome the short channel effect, a suitable threshold voltage is required with the scaling trend in device dimension. Independent gating of the finFET’s double gate provides reduction in leakage current.

Keywords: Telephone ; Independent ; conventional ; reduced threshold voltage


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