Revathy P S
PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology, Anad
Ramya J S
Assistant Professor, Department of IT, Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology, Anad
Download PDFModern scientific databases and web databases maintains large number of data. These real world databases contain over hundreds of relations and attributes. Traditional predefined queries are not able to satisfy various adhoc queries from the users on those databases. With the rapid development of web information and scientific database modern database become very large and complex. For avoiding that a new approach is used called Dynamic Query Form: a query form system which is capable of dynamically generating query forms for the user. The use of DQF is to capture user interests during user interactions and to generate the query form dynamically. The system automatically generates ranking lists of form components and the user then adds the desired form components into the query form. Based on the captured user preference ranking of form components can be done. User can also fill the query form and submit queries to see the query result. The form could be dynamically refined till the user satisfies with the query results. Also an encryption technique is used called rob frugal encryption scheme. In this encryption method fake transactions are made. Also we try to add skyline queries. A skyline query is one of the most useful but least obvious data programming patterns. The experimental results show that this dynamic query form functioned in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and efforts.
Keywords: Index Terms— Query Forms, Scientific databases, Query results
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