Akhila G.S
M.Tech student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Mohandas College of Engineering, Anad, Trivandrum
Mr. Prasanth R.S
Asst.Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Mohandas College of Engineering, Anad, Trivandrum
Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015
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Using Personalized Web Search (PWS) we can improve the quality of search results in the Internet. The
existing UPS based Personalized Web Searching has many drawbacks. First, there may be a chance of
eavesdropping when generalized profile forwarded to the server. Second, web server is vulnerable to web
attacks like URL manipulation attacks. The impact of these attacks will affect user’s personal information.
So we introduce a new framework called UPES. Here, the data stored in the server-side and request from
user will be in encrypted form. Homomorphic encryption is used for encrypting data. The experimental
results show that this framework functioned in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and
PersonalizedWebSearch,UPS,Userprofile, Generalized user profile
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