V. Pal Singh
Ph.D. Student: Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu - 333515, India,
M. Singh
Ex. Professor: Department of Physics, Amity University, Noida-201301 (U.P.), India
Vol: 5, Issue: 4, 2015
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Using the hydrodynamic model of semiconductor plasmas, a detailed analytical investigation is made to
study both the steady-state and transient Raman gain in a weakly polar narrow band-gap magnetized
one-component semiconductor, viz. n-InSb under off-resonant laser irradiation. Using the fact that
origin of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) lies in the third-order (Raman) susceptibility (
(3) R
) of the
medium, we obtained an expression of the threshold pump electric field (Eth), the resulting gain
coefficients (steady-state as well as transient gR,TR) and optimum pulse duration (p) for the onset of
SRS. The application of a strong magnetic field not only lowers Eth but also enhances gR,TR. The carrier
heating by the intense pump modifies the electron collision frequency and hence the nonlinearity of the
medium which in turn enhances gR,TR significantly. The enhanced gTR can be greatly used in the
compression of scattered pulses. The results of the present investigation leads to the better
understanding of SRS process in solid and gaseous plasmas and also help considerably in filling the
existing gap between theory and experiments.
Stimulated Raman scattering, Semiconductor plasmas, Carrier heating, Narrow band gap semiconductor.
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