Asst. Professor,Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AITAM college of Engineering, Tekkali,srikakulam - 532201 Andhra Paradesh,India
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Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers are extensively used in industrial systems, despite the
significant developments of recent years in control theory and technology. The performance of PID
controllers can be severely limited in practical cases by the presence of saturation of the actuators, which
causes the phenomenon integrator wind-up. Conditional integration and back calculation are the two
approaches used to design the compensator. These techniques can suffer from the presence of a
significant dead time in the process or deal with different normalized dead times, they might require an
extra tuning effort which is undesirable for industrial regulators. Therefore it is proposed to combine the
different approaches to overcome these problems. These approaches are implemented for different
process system and performance is compared.
saturation; anti windup; PID controller; overshoot; settling time
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