Pramod Kumar Gautam
Department of zoology, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P., India
A. Acharya
Department of zoology, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P., India
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Co-stimulatory molecules (CSMs) are member of immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily receptors which
expressed on macrophages. CSMs play important role in the stimulation of cell mediated immune
responses and play important role in the activation of T cells. Activation of T cells is thought to require
two different signals. The first signal (recognition) requires interaction of the T cell receptor with an
antigen bound Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the second signal is provided by the CD80
or CD86 on the antigen presenting cell and CD28 and CTLA-4 on the reacting T cell. In the aberration of
proper co-stimulatory signal, the T cell undergoes anergy state instead of activation which favors the
tumor progression. During tumor progression, tumor microenvironment downregulate the expression of
CSMs in M1 phenotype and function and transform into M2 phenotype facilitate tumor progression.
Heat shock proteins 70 (Hsp70) are highly conserved group of cytosolic protein which have important
role in growth, homeostasis. Hsp70 is activator of macrophages and enhances the release of specific and
nonspecific effector molecules that have major role in tumor destruction and immunopotentiation of host.
It has been observed that Hsp70 preparations derived from normal tissues do not elicit tumor immunity,
while Hsp70 preparation derived from tumor cell able to elicit tumor immunity. However, this study
examined the expression of CD80 and CD86 along with Hsp70-peptide complex over the tumor
infiltrating TAMs to assess their significance in Leukemia. Study shows that a remarkable decline in
CSMs expression in M2 phenotypes, which was recovered after Hsp70-peptide complex treatment. These
findings suggest that CSMs might be involved in tumor progression when their expression down regulated
while Hsp70-peptide treatment enhances the expression in TAMs that facilitate tumor regression by
activating T cell.
Co-stimulatory molecules: TAMs: Tumor; Macrophages: Hsp70 peptide complex
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