

Linu Alias

PG Scholar Department of EEE, Anna University Regional office, Madurai – 625007, Tamil Nadu, India

V Malathi

Faculty Department of EEE, Anna University Regional office, Madurai – 625007, Tamil Nadu, India


Vol: 5, Issue: 3, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-05-16 Acceptance Date:


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In large power transformers, more than 20% of the total load loss is the stray loss in structural components. The biggest part of stray loss takes place in the transformer tank. As the transformer ratings increase, the stray loss problem becomes increasingly significant resulting in higher temperatures and local hot spots that reduce the transformer life. Analytical and numerical methods have been applied for the evaluation of stray loss. Stray losses in transformer covers depend on the distribution of leakage flux produced by strong induced fields. Due to the heavy current flow in Low Voltage (LV) windings, the strong magnetic flux linking the transformer tank causes over heating of the tank walls which are near the high current bushings of transformer. While considering the LV side the current may even goes to around 9000A for a generator transformer for the kind we have considered. This work presents a 3-D Finite Element Analysis of the tank walls to verify the solution of overheating problem. The overheating results are analyzed and discussed for the case of a 290MVA 235/15.75 KV generator transformer.

Keywords: stray loss, induced fields, local hot spots, leakage flux, generator transformer,


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