

Moutaz Al- Dabbas,

College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

Raad Al- Khafaji

College of Education (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad.

Mohanad H. A. Al-Jaberi

College of Science, University of Basra, Basra, Iraq


Vol: 5, Issue: 3, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-05-13 Acceptance Date:


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The climate parameters data for more than forty years for Karbala meteorological stations were studied .The results show good evidence of climate change indicated by the remarkable decrease of the average means annual rainfall in the studied stations, with the remarkable increase of the average mean annual temperature. MODFLOW program is applied. GIS, 3D spatial analyst is used to prepare future planning to drill more water wells. The impact of the climatic change on the groundwater was obvious in decreasing the water table as studied in the unconfined aquifer in Karbala – Najaf area. The Dibdiba aquifer in this basin represents the shallow aquifer which recharged mainly from rain water. Since this source is scarce, the aquifer gains its water slowly in a rate less than the rate of losing it by both evaporation and abstraction wells. The designed model and the water budget calculations confirm this state that the aquifer is worn out and predict that within the year 2014 several sites were depleted especially the eastern parts of the Dibdiba aquifer.

Keywords: Climate change, Groundwater Modeling, Karbala - Iraq.


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