

Parveen Kumar

SBIET, Pundri ECE Deptt. Kurukshetra University


Vol: 5, Issue: 2, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-03-19 Acceptance Date:


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Gas burners are very important component of domestic and industrial applications. They are mainly used in gaseous fuel based cooking and heating appliances such as (liquefied petroleum gas) LPG stoves. So, being the product used on mass scale in almost every household, hotels / restaurants and many industrial manufacturing units, its fabrication requires state-of-the-art automatic drilling mechanism, so that burners can be produced efficiently in large volumes at effective costs. These burners have different sizes and shapes. The patterns of holes drilled on them are also different for various categories of burners. These holes need to be drilled precisely at certain angles and their number also varies with the inter hole spacing between two adjacent holes for different type, shape and size of burners. Thus the number and patterns of the holes is the critical part of the gas stove and burner fabrication process as it defines the fuel efficiency. This paper gives a mathematical tool for the estimation of number of holes present in gas burner of quality improvement of product manufactured by companies.

Keywords: Gas burners ; Liquefied petroleum gas ;Automatic drilling mechanism ; Manufactured


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