Rekha Chawla
College of Dairy Science and Technology Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana-141004, (Punjab) India.
Girdhari Ramdas Patil
Division of Dairy Technology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, (Haryana) India
Ashish Kumar Singh
Division of Dairy Technology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, (Haryana) India.
Vol: 5, Issue: 2, 2015
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Doda burfi, also known as dhoda or simply doda is characterized by granular texture, caramelized
flavour, and dark brown colour with pleasant aroma of added nuts. For preparation of functional
doda burfi, five different fibers were screened. The aim of the study was to prepare a functionally
healthy counter product of conventional burfi in output. Therefore natural non- conventional
sweetener stevia was also tested for its suitability in burfi and to further increase the functionality,
phytosterol (cholesterol lowering substance) was added to prepare functional doda burfi. In total, five
different fibers namely wheat bran, oat fiber, microcrystalline cellulose, inulin and Diesol™
(hydrolyzed gum acacia) were evaluated in the product and the best two fibers were taken further for
the preparation of functional doda burfi. Sensory studies revealed oat fiber and Diesol™ as best
fibers in the product and consumer survey revealed the functional product acceptable and
comparable to conventional product.
Caramelized milk product, Sensory, Granular, Phytosterol, soluble Fiber, stevia.
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